Getting Ready for Stage 2. June 14, 2017. Week 32. Day 226

It has been a long time since I posted anything.  Not much has been going on except working and trying to loose some weight.  I am down to 167 and have 27 more to go.  I was hoping to be at my goal before Stage 2 but oh well,  food is so delicious.

I went for pre-op testing yesterday and it was surreal sitting there and filling out the paperwork.  It seems like just a few weeks ago that I was getting ready for my DIEP flap surgery and now 7.5 months have passed. It has been a journey that I will always remember and I am so glad for my surgeons, Dr Jennifer Snow and Dr Nabil Habash.  They both are wonderful and have made this journey so much easier than I thought it would be.

My second surgery is Monday the 19th and I am ready.  I will once again post pre op pictures so you can see the before shots.  My breasts look good now but are a little too wide and flat.  Also my left has the scars from the wound and the new girls need a small lift.  My tattoos need some touching up also.  All to be expected.  My tummy needs some lipo to make it more smooth and remove the puffiness above my tummy scar.  My “fupa” will be lipoed to remove the bulge there also.  Seems like a lot of revision but actually it is not.

I am so happy with the results and know that the revision will make me even happier.

Like before there are pictures below so do not go any further if you do not want to see them.














This is the scar under my left breast from my wound healing.  Looks so much better, but Dr Habash is going to remove it when he does the small uplift.

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Wound under left breast
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Both breasts are too wide so the sides will get lipo to make them smaller
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Left breast has an indentation above the nipple that will get some fat injections
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Right breast is also flat above the nipple and the tattoo needs to be touched up
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You can see the flat sections on both breasts
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Another view of the flat breast
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On my right side (left on picture) you can see the fat tissue that will be removed so the area above the scar will be flat.  The fat around my belly button and on top of it will be lipo suctioned also.
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My belly button and how well it has healed.